Sunday, March 22, 2009

Backyard This Morning!

Here are a few pictures taken this morning! This is what we learned: Texas native plants really do come back! Asparagus ferns are the hardiest of all ferns and we will plant more this year. My cactus garden is hard to weed!!! Too many pricklies!
We've been planting tomatoes for almost 20 years and talk about spoiled!! I'm always a little sad when are tomatoes are gone and I have to "make do" with commercial ones.

I love sharing my neighbors plants!! Thanks to them I get to enjoy the above plants and before too long our entire back fence will be solid morning glories!

This is our invisible fountain that we got at Hill Country Water Gardens last summer. They have so many to choose from. I hope to get one more very soon!


ScrapAddict said...

Love sharing with the neighbors! We do that with mornign glories, and trumpet vines....I could do without the bamboo though.

Pam Sivage said...

We share honeysuckle with a neighbor and I love it. We have this nasty big black bird that has taken up residence in our back yard, (no not a trash bird) and he is a mean, nasty big pest. He stays in our yard and poops, never even thinks to share with our neighbors. We do have strawberries on our little plants that we got last year.

Libby Hickson said...

Your comment about weeding your cactus garden cracked me up! :-) I want to get crackin' on my yard this week, need to mix some compost into my tomato bed and get some planted!