Tuesday, December 30, 2008

PAM! What would I do without you and your word blooms!! I just finished my last one for the year. I can't even count how many I've done or Maggie has done. We are heading to Houston on New Year's Day to celebrate Christmas with Tom's family. I just finished this "grandkids" word bloom for Tom's mom and thought I would share some of it with you. Grandma I hope you don't look at my blog until after New Year's Day!!! No peeking!!


Marie said...

Love the book. What would we do without Pam's blooms? Can't wait to see what she does for 2009!

Pam Sivage said...

Gee Thanks but it's ya'll that make them all looks so very beautiful and special! Love the way this looks and they they will too! Have a great trip!

ScrapAddict said...

love it!!!

Anonymous said...


Janet said...

Great job (but you two always do wonderful projects!)

Hope everyone has a Fine 2009!

See you soon!